Of course, you do! Regardless of whether you are on time or way behind on your student loan payments, taking advantage of a free review will ensure that you know all of your options. You want to make sure that you are taking advantage of the best, most cost-effective payment option. And who knows… You might even be eligible for student loan discharge and not even know it! Plus, your initial review is FREE so there’s nothing to lose!
Jumpstart the Review Process With Our Student Loan Attorneys
Serving Albany & Saratoga Springs, NY
The team at Warner & Warner, PLLC recognizes the complex nature of today’s student loan structures. Thankfully, we’ll remain by your side every step of the way, ensuring you receive an accurate assessment of your student loan situation. In fact, we’ve made it easier than ever to request a free review of your current loans. This process is neither difficult nor time-consuming, and may help you to identify your student loan servicer or jumpstart the student loan consolidation process. Once you’re ready to get the ball rolling, don’t waste another moment; view the following steps to begin the review process!
- Click HERE to create an account.
- After you have created your account, please complete the informational form.
- You’ll need to retrieve some information from HERE if you are inquiring about Federal Student Loans (it can take up to three [3] days to receive this information from the Federal Student Aid Office).
That’s it! You’ve successfully requested a free review of your student loans.
What Happens After I’ve Requested a Free Review?
After you’ve completed the form, one of our student loan lawyers will review your submission. From there, within 24 – 48 hours, you’ll receive an email that describes what’s going on with your student loans and whether we can help. The email will also include a link to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys for a detailed, in-depth consultation for an additional fee.
What’s My Next Step After I Receive My Free Review?
The next step is entirely up to you. If we cannot help you, then you will know up-front without any games.
If we can help you, however, it is probably worthwhile for you to schedule an additional consultation. The benefits of receiving an additional consultation are, as follows:
- You will know exactly which avenues of relief are available to you in terms of lowering your student loan payments. Even if you do not end up hiring us, your in-depth consultation will show you a clear path toward obtaining the relief that you are entitled to; and
- You can now rest a little easier, knowing that you have been empowered with all of the information that is necessary to take control of your student loans – and, in doing so, get your financial life back to normal.
Click Here to Request a Free Review of Your Student Loans
If you’re interested in learning more, please feel free to contact our student loan servicer to request a free review of your loans. Whether you’re behind on payments, in student loan default, need assistance applying for student loan discharge, or just want a professional opinion on your loan situation, we’re here to help. For years, our student loan lawyers have assisted borrowers across Albany, Saratoga Springs, NY and many other communities across New York!