Understanding Student Loans As high school seniors and recent graduates prepare for college, one of the most significant decisions they face is how to finance their education. Student loans are a common solution, but it’s crucial to understand all the factors involved before committing to this financial responsibility. Here are some key considerations to help
What Happens When You Default on Your Student Loans?
Student loan payments are not something that you can just ignore and forget about, especially ones serviced by the government. When you graduate from college, you are given a few months grace period where you are not required to start paying your monthly loan payments. After the grace period, you must begin paying back your
Can Bankruptcy Improve Your Credit Score?
Filing for Bankruptcy Can Actually Improve My Credit Score?! If you are one of many New Yorkers struggling with debt, then at least one of your goals is to improve your credit score. Unfortunately, when weighing their options, many don’t even consider Bankruptcy as a path toward resolution. If you were to consult with a
Will Filing for Bankruptcy Affect My Taxes?
Bankruptcy & Taxes In short, filing for bankruptcy will affect your taxes. However, it does not have to become a problem as long as you know how it works. When filing taxes after bankruptcy there are a few things you must do. According to the IRS’s Bankruptcy Tax Guide, the debtor must file an individual