The Capital Region’s Trusted Tax Attorney
The expert tax attorneys at Warner & Warner, PLLC are proud to serve clients throughout the Albany, NY community. Albany is one of the largest and most populous cities in the state. As the capital of New York, it is the economic and cultural hub of the region as well as one of the oldest surviving settlements of the original British colonies. While Albany’s beginnings centered around trade and transportation, the city today has a thriving high-technology industry, with a focus on nanotechnology and similar fields. Albany is known for its culturally diverse population, as it was settled by multiple countries before the American Revolution and was also a popular destination for immigrants over the years. Today, Albany is an active city with many cultural attractions, sporting events, excellent schools, and job opportunities. Many families have been living here for generations!
If you live in the greater Albany area and you need legal assistance regarding your current financial or foreclosure situation, we encourage you to put your trust in the tax attorneys at Warner & Warner, PLLC. As an experienced legal firm, we’ve handled a variety of cases involving Social Security Disability, debt relief, student loan forbearance, bankruptcy, and taxes. For help overcoming your debt, SSD denial, tax filing, or consumer rights, we welcome you to contact the knowledgeable tax lawyer at our office in Albany, NY today for a consultation.
Choose Our Social Security Attorney
When it comes to applying for social security benefits, it can get confusing with all of the legal jargon and the complexity of the application process. Using a reliable social security attorney is greatly beneficial for individuals who are applying for these benefits. At Warner & Warner, PLLC, we have the knowledge and experience needed to help residents in the Albany, NY area navigate and understand the intricate rules and regulations involved.
Our social security attorney will guide you through the entire application process, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is completed accurately and submitted within the proper timeframe. If your application has been denied, our team can help you with the denial or appeal process, maximizing your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve. We tailor our approach to best meet the needs of our clients, increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.
If you are looking for help with your social security claims, contact our office today.
Contact Our Tax Lawyer & Social Security
Attorneys to Schedule a Consultation
Warner & Warner, PLLC offers professional legal services for the residents of Albany, NY, and the surrounding areas. Has your SSI or SSD claim been denied? Are you facing Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy? Being harassed by tax debt collectors? Are you in desperate need of student loan forbearance? Our firm’s qualified tax attorneys are here to help. With a team of experienced bankruptcy, social security, and tax lawyers, we can identify the best way to overcome any financial burdens that may inhibit your quality of life.
Contact our Albany, NY office today to schedule a consultation with one of our tax, bankruptcy, or social security disability attorneys. We will help review your case, advise you on your next steps, and help you determine a starting point to remove the stress and anxiety that debt can bring. If you are entitled to Social Security benefits, we can help advance your case and advocate for your interests. If you’re currently being threatened with wage garnishment or a bank account levy, our tax attorneys can go over the options to best resolve any tax liabilities. Unable to support yourself or your family due to denied benefits? Our experienced social security disability lawyers will work hard to help you earn the money you deserve. We also provide repossession, student loan forbearance, loan modification, and foreclosure defense services so that you can keep your life on track. Meet with one of our trusted Albany, NY tax attorneys to get the process started.